Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Imeldific shopping madness

Yes, friends and enemies I went out shopping with my gf/co-worker Janice and I splurge big time! I spent most of my shopping day with shoes not just 1 or 2 pairs but let sayyy a lot. Actually I shopped twice this week and yes both days were shoe shopping. Don't worry folks I bought 3 of them on sale.

bought this on retail less 30% coupon, since I don't have brown sandals and I'm so in-love of  the style. It also fits so perfectly.

The cheapest of the bunch, $16.50 less 20%, do the math.

Originally, this is almost $200, but was on sale for $34.50 less 20%, again do the math.

bought this on retail price less 30% coupon.

Originally $198 less 75% and 20% coupon, Do the math!

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